Waiting for the Great Leap Forward

Good gracious… I hope my hair stays on.

Is it just me or has there not been any stunning, change the world inventions of late? And I’m not talking about breakthroughs such as Blu-Ray or the iPod or the ability to update your Facebook status to “David is sitting on a bus” via your mobile phone – as these are pretty much just adaptations of current technologies – plus they haven’t really changed our lives as such (no matter what the advertisers are telling us). Where is the flying car? The bionic eye? The cure for cancer? The never ending roll of toilet paper? Sure, there’s recently been the Large Hadron Collider, but who the hell knows what that’s all about?**

Actually, I don’t care what they invent next – as long as it’s a Time Machine (do a google search on Sketchycron)… Once we’ve got that, we can go back to the future and bring back the Holodeck, the Hypospray, Warp and Transporter technology. Sorted.

** Look up CERN’s Large Hadron Collider on Wikipedia – it’s actually quite fascinating.


One response to “Waiting for the Great Leap Forward”

  1. meatpopsicle Avatar

    Yes. Where is my jetpack? So robbed.

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