I am a self confessed iPhone fanboy. Whilst I couldn’t give two hoots about the public slinging between Steve Jobs and Adobe around the Flash platform, I also don’t think I would miss it if it was to suddenly disappear. My main reason is this:
Most of the Flash content I ever see is advertising.
That’s right, advertisements that are animated or interactive or contain video content. The internet is rife with it, and it makes me wonder if that skews the figures as to how widespread the use of Flash is on the net.
What about YouTube I hear you say? Well, that already taken care of on my iPhone – and if I get an iPad (and there’s a good chance that I will since my iPhone has just been so good to me), it’ll be taken care of there too. Games? Same story.
Seeya Flash. I enjoyed online Pac-Man for a while there.
At this stage I would also like to point out that I don’t miss my HTC Touch Diamond, my Samsung Omnia, my Palm Treo 750, my iMate SP3i and all the other dreadful Windows Mobile attempts at smartphones that I have owned prior to my iPhone. But that’s another story…
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