I Understand Now

Ok, I had another dream I just need to share (here we go again).

The other night I woke up after the most full on and vivid dream I’ve had for some time (thankfully no impending disaster predictions this time).

I dreamt that I was able to shrink down and keep shrinking down until I was looking at sub-atomic particles as if they were as enormous as galaxies. I then continued to shrink down through these galaxies until basically I was back where I started, with things being back to normal size.

The dream ended with me holding the universe in all its wonder in the palm of my hand. That part was pretty damn cool (the special effects studio in my brain should be congratulated).

Now, the universe within a universe theory is nothing new I hear you say… however, my dream differed in that I stayed within the same universe.

Kinda like if you walked in a straight line on Earth you’d always end up back where you started, even though you feel like you’re getting further and further away… the General Theory of Relativity talks also about Space/Time being curved in this same way.

I have my doubts that humans will ever completely understand our universe, as our brains are just not big enough – the same way that an ant would not be able to figure out that the reason his mate lies next to him squished is because an R34 Nissan Skyline GT-R just ran over him. 

No matter how hard he tried, he just could not comprehend.

No wonder people invented God.


One response to “I Understand Now”

  1. […] did have a dream about this once, and it all made sense at the time. Posted in Blog (function($) { $(function() { […]

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