The most fun one could ever have for 5 bucks** would have to be GarageBand for the iPad.
If you ever want to convince anyone that they should buy an iPad, show them this. Show them how you can compose a song from scratch, that actually sounds half decent in less than half an hour. Show them how they can sing into the iPad, and with some magical special effects they may not sound half bad. Show them that with the “smart” instruments, the songs almost write themselves.
Speaking of songs that write themselves, I went one further and took the next step – I published my songs for all the world to hear. In fact, my songs are up for sale on iTunes.
My first single “Broken Seams” breaks all records (pardon the pun), in that it literally took me minutes to put together and it goes for the mind bending length of a minute and a half. It contains cheesy, made up on the spot 80s lyrics and even suffers from some production issues (such as people talking in the background whilst the recording takes place).
“Dinosaurs” is actually a song I wrote when I was a kid after learning the very big word “reputation”, whilst obviously not actually grasping the meaning (listen to the lyrics). And given that I have just released the single to the world, I possibly still don’t grasp the meaning of the word.
With “My Name is Mr Robot“, I have to admit an early influence by Kraftwerk (The Man Machine blew my pre-teen mind and my sister’s stereo speakers). Also inspired by Pink Floyd, Daft Punk and The Chemical Brothers… as if you couldn’t tell!

The label “Fondacash Records” is a homage to my brother who went under the name of Jimmy Fondacash when he managed alternative punk bank The Nonchalants in the musically turbulent 1980s Newcastle.
Watch this space for more hits being plucked straight from the Air (or iPad) by Bill(y) Bovill.
But until then, why not splurge on over to iTunes and purchase a copy of the songs for yourself, while stocks last. All proceeds go to my children’s education fund, probably.
And one more thing… keep your ears and eyes open for another new artist who is currently recording a moving tribute to the historic town of Jugiong.
** Of course the five bucks does not include the cost of the iPad
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