Scammy Fun

Being silly with strangers is always fun. Being silly with strangers trying to sell you something is even funner. Being silly with strangers who are trying to scam you is the funnest of all.

Courtesy of

Behold the email transcript between myself and Karen – a “flight attendant” who wanted to buy my car sight unseen.

The highlight for me was the two “sexy” photos of herself that she sent me. They look so similar they could almost be distant cousins.

As with all good email transcripts, please read from the bottom up – noting the scam warning footer from

As you can see, the conversation eventually fizzled out…


From: Bill
Sent: Sat, 23 January 2010 11:04 PM
To: Karen
Subject: RE: Private Vehicle Enquiry

Karen, did you get my transaction?

From: Karen
Sent: Mon, 18 January 2010 8:47 PM
To: Bill
Subject: Re: Private Vehicle Enquiry

Please have the money deposited today

From: Bill
To: Karen
Sent: Mon, 18 January 2010 3:20 AM
Subject: Re: Private Vehicle Enquiry

Thanks Karen. Just let me know when you are ready for me to deposit the money.

From: Karen
Sent: Sun, 17 January 2010 10:41 PM
To: Bill
Subject: Re: Private Vehicle Enquiry

Hi Bill, yes all you need to deposit is $500. I am not with my laptop so cant send you a picture now. But should be back home before the pick up agent comes for the pick up.. Get back to me with the western union details when you make the transfer. Thanks

From: Bill
To: Karen
Sent: Sun, 17 January 2010 10:22 AM
Subject: RE: Private Vehicle Enquiry

Hi Karen,

I think I accidentally deposited the whole $9000 which is why it was rejected.

So you are saying I only need to deposit $500?

Also, I am still waiting for the picture in your airline uniform…

From: Karen
Sent: Sat, 16 January 2010 7:29 PM
To: Bill
Subject: Re: Private Vehicle Enquiry

hi Bill, i havent deposited the money, you will be the one to send the money through western union to the pick up agent in UK, then your account will be credited with the amount plus that of the car.

From: Bill
To: Karen
Sent: Fri, 15 January 2010 9:31 PM
Subject: RE: Private Vehicle Enquiry

Thanks Karen. Do you deposit the $500 on my behalf?

From: Karen
Sent: Fri, 15 January 2010 7:40 PM
To: Bill
Subject: Re: Private Vehicle Enquiry

Hi Bill, i would love us to finish this transaction asap, please have the money sent again maybe through a post office this time around, there should be a western union in a post office otherwise you can send it online at with your credit card, please have this done as soon as you get this email and get back to me with the Full senders name and the 10 digits MTCN so it can be forwarded to Paypal for verification and your account can be credited then pick up can be arrnaged. Thanks and waititng to hear from you..
From: Bill
To: Karen
Sent: Thu, 14 January 2010 10:28 PM
Subject: Re: Private Vehicle Enquiry

Hi Karen, my payment was rejected by Western Union due to insufficient funds. I am not sure why as I have plenty of money.

From: Karen
Sent: Thu, 14 January 2010 8:54 PM
To: Bill
Subject: Re: Private Vehicle Enquiry

Yes Bill, i am still interested, i made payment already and waiting for you to send the money via western union to the pick up headquarters in UK and send the MTCN to paypal at , please do this so your account can be credited immediately and pick up can be arranged.

From: Bill
To: Karen
Sent: Wed, 13 January 2010 8:29 AM
Subject: RE: Private Vehicle Enquiry

Hi Karen, I have someone else who has offered to buy the car via PayPal.

Are you still interested in buying the car?

From: Karen
Sent: Tue, 12 January 2010 8:47 PM
To: Bill
Subject: Re: Private Vehicle Enquiry

Thank Bill. the transaction isnt appearing in the western union database, are you sure you sent the money, or maybe you made a mistake with the MTCN so please send it again. I will send my picture tomorrow as i am not on my laptop.

From: Bill
To: Karen
Sent: Tue, 12 January 2010 7:27 AM
Subject: RE: Private Vehicle Enquiry

Full senders name: Bill Graeme True

Do you have a picture in your airline uniform?

From: Karen
Sent: Sun, 10 January 2010 7:46 PM
To: Bill
Subject: Re: Private Vehicle Enquiry

Hi Bill i would like you to send me the full senders name you used in sending the money.. Waiting to hear from you asap.

From: Bill
To: Karen
Sent: Fri, 8 January 2010 9:16 PM
Subject: RE: Private Vehicle Enquiry

Thank you.

I emailed the address you gave me, but it didn’t work. What should I do?

From: Karen David
Sent: Fri, 8 January 2010 8:50 PM
To: Bill
Subject: Re: Private Vehicle Enquiry

here is a picture of me attached,pls try and email them soon so that we can get this done as soon as possible.

From: Bill
To: Karen
Sent: Fri, 8 January 2010 12:54 AM
Subject: RE: Private Vehicle Enquiry

Thank you Karen, I will email them. Can you also send me that other photo please? I like to know who I am doing business with.

From: Karen
Sent: Fri, 8 January 2010 12:06 AM
To: Bill
Subject: Re: Private Vehicle Enquiry

hi, paypal got back to me that they are having a problem to deliver the notification to your email, please email them at to verify payment to your account. Thanks


From: Karen David []
Sent: Thursday, 7 January 2010 8:30 PM
Subject: ***Notification Of Payment From Karen Davids***

Dear Bill Graeme True,

You have an Auction Payment of $9,000.00 from Karen Davids (

This is to inform you that you are required to send a sum of

$500.00 to the address below via Western Union Money Transfer and get back to us with the relevant information which you will be provided with after the money has been sent, you are requested to email us the MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number), sender’s name and address used to make the transfer and the secret question and answer. As soon as we have received these information from you, we will credit a sum of $9000.00 to your PayPal account.Below is the address where the money is to be sent to using Western Union Money Transfer.

Please note: We wish to inform you that Karen Davids has made the payment and her intentions known to PayPal that she will like $500.00 to be sent to her pick up agent headquarter in Westminster London via Western Union Money Transfer so that her shipper can proceed in picking up the purchased car before your account will be credited with the total sum of $9000.00.


From: Bill
To: Karen
Sent: Thu, 7 January 2010 12:02 PM
Subject: RE: Private Vehicle Enquiry
Ok thanks. I will wait for the email then send you the MTCN.

Can you send a bigger photo please? It is hard to see that one.

From: Karen
Sent: Thu, 7 January 2010 8:29 PM
To: Bill
Subject: Re: carsales… Private Vehicle Enquiry

Hi Bill i just made payment through paypal, i am sure you must have gotten a payment notification from them, please have the MTCN sent to them so your account can be credited and pick up can be arranged. Thanks and i attached a picture of me.

From: Bill
To: Karen
Sent: Mon, 4 January 2010 9:58 AM
Subject: RE: Private Vehicle Enquiry

Sounds great. Details are as follows:

Name: Bill Graeme True
PayPal email:
Phone number: 02 6264 8866
Home address: 1 Lo St, Canberra ACT 2601

I would like assurance from you also. Can you send me a photo of yourself please?

I am looking forward to doing business with you. It is a really great car in good condition.


From: Karen
Sent: Mon, 4 January 2010 1:57 AM
To: Bill
Subject: Re: Private Vehicle Enquiry

Hi,am ok with the price on assurance that the car is in a very good condition,i will be paying the $8500
to you through my creditcard via my PayPal account,if my offer is accepted, please get back to me with your:
PayPal email:
Phone number:
Home address:

So i can pay in right away to your Paypal account, if you dont have you can open one at it is safe,secure and fast,i do not have much time around me because i work as one of the cabin crew to Delta Airline,make sure you get back to me so that we can arrange for pick up as i will like the car to be picked as soon as payment is made, Hope to read from you soon.


From: Bill
To: Karen
Sent: Sun, 3 January 2010 7:25 AM
Subject: Re: Private Vehicle Enquiry

Hello, yes.

From: Karen
Sent: Fri, 1 January 2010 1:22 AM
To: Bill
Subject: Re: carsales… Private Vehicle Enquiry

The following Private Vehicle Enquiry was generated by

Enquiry ID: 3817403
Date: 01/01/2010 01:21
Name: karen
Town/Suburb: Near MASCOT
Postcode: 2020

Hi, Am Karen,i like to know if your car is still available and at what price.I hope to hear from you soon.


Important Notice for Private Sellers: Please be aware that there is a phishing scam running currently with some buyers only operating through their Pay Pal account. If the buyer advises that they do not have internet banking and have a pick up agent then this is not a legitimate enquiry.

Scam Information: Help protect yourself from scams. Click below to view recent scam information:


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