I’m one of those lucky punks whose offices have been moved from the Civic shopping wonderland out to Brindabella Business Park (the Airport). Working there is like a cross between DuLoc (from Shrek) because it’s a “perfect place”, and The Truman Show.
If you go for a walk at lunchtime you see the same people over and over again… And I mean quite literally over and over again because they usually do at least a couple of laps of the block to alleviate the boredom. “Hey Azka”… “Hi Bill”… “Hey again Azka!”… “Hello again Bill!”.
Actually, sometimes it reminds me of the movie ‘Cube’, but that’s usually when I’m stuck in a meeting.
Come to think of it, I’m still waiting for a phone call from Trinity saying “They know you know. Get out. Get out now!”
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