Excuse me, while I consult the dictionary for a moment.
anal (ā′nəl)
1. of or near the anus
2. Psychoanalysis:
a. designating or of the second stage of psychosexual development, in which interest centers in excretory functions.
b. designating or of such traits in the adult as orderliness, stinginess, and obstinacy, regarded as unconscious psychic residues of that stage.
3. Informal excessively or obsessively orderly, stingy, stubborn, etc.
I must be childish. Whenever someone says “I’m really quite anal”, I can’t help but titter like a schoolgirl. It is just one of those words that I personally have never felt comfortable describing myself or anyone else as – because it’s just one of those words.
In fact, apart from masticate, its probably one of the funniest words one can use, and when you consider the type of person that says they are “anal”, it usually makes it all the more hillarious. In my opinion, if you use that word, you are bound to be the butt of many jokes. Bummer.
Funnier still is what appears on your Facebook profile if you “like” this page by clicking on the link below. Think about it.
Try it now.
UPDATE: I believe Google is also confused by the use of this word. Is there currently an ad appearing to the right of this article? I think not. Why not? Because Google has naturally assumed this article is a porno related sex article on the use of the “back passage” for pleasure (or pain). Take that search results!
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