The first drink I ever ordered in a foreign bar was in Birkenhead, UK in the early 90s.
Me: “I would like a bourbon and Coke please.”
Pommie Barman: “A what?”
Me: “Bourbon and Coke?”
Pommie Barman: “You mean a bourbon and cola?”

Me: “Ah sure, thanks.”
Being young, impressionable and willing to learn from my mistakes, the next time I went to the bar, I happened to have a different barman, and the conversation went something like this:
Me: “I would like a bourbon and cola please.”
Pommie Barman II: “Cola? That’s hilarious. Is that an Aussie thing? Most people ask for a bourbon and Coke. Ha ha ha ha. Do you mind if we use Coke? Ha ha ha. You Australians.”
It wasn’t worth explaining.
I just filed it under “another Sit-Com moment.”
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