Year: 2011

  • I Buried a Pony

    No, this is not some reference to hidden lyrics in a Beatles song. Nor is it a euphemism for something rude. This is a story that I have told often, but only to the select few, given its unusual and gruesome nature. During a recent “Emotional Intelligence” training course, we were asked to convey a…

  • A Current Affair vs Today Tonight

    In the wonderful world of “current affairs” programs on Australian television, there is no competition when it comes to A Current Affair vs Today Tonight. That’s because they are not competing. They are exactly the same. And not only are they exactly the same as each other – they are exactly the same as themselves,…

  • The Black and White Ball

    Many years ago I had the privilege of being invited to attend the Grenfell Black and White Ball. This was something I was very much looking forward to at the time. The Black and White Ball was a very well organised event and an extremely popular event and its reputation preceded it. Then I met…

  • Funnel Web Spider Syndrome

    Due to my affinity with spiders, people often tell me spider related stories, or ask spiderly advice. “Hey, there was a spider in my kitchen last night.  I think it was a Funnel Web.” My response to that is this:  If you “think” it may have been a Funnel Web, then it wasn’t a Funnel…

  • Empire Avenue

    I have no idea of what I am doing. But I am now listed on Empire Avenue, and you can buy or sell me. And if you sign up for Empire Avenue, it will be good for both of us. Empire Avenue describes itself as “The Social Media Exchange – buy and sell your friends…

  • Omega Battle and the STD Phone Call

    Back in the early 80s, I was “published” for the first time. I think I was about 12 years old. It all began when I wrote a computer game called “Omega Battle” for the Dick Smith Wizzard.  Now lets not get too excited – the game was almost impossible to play and incredibly BASIC (pardon…

  • Nappy Nappy Nappy

    I thought it was time to combine a couple of my “creative” outlets. As I demonstrated in my last post, creating music with GarageBand is taking up a good percentage of every spare piece of leisure time I can muster. And thanks to iMotion for the iPhone, I have also been making the occasional time-lapse…

  • Future One Hit Wonders Rejoice!

    The most fun one could ever have for 5 bucks** would have to be GarageBand for the iPad. If you ever want to convince anyone that they should buy an iPad, show them this.  Show them how you can compose a song from scratch, that actually sounds half decent in less than half an hour.…

  • Where the bloody hell are Ewe?

    The metal sheep artwork by the late artist Les Kossatz has been a Canberra Civic icon for many years.  Tourists and locals alike have often contemplated the meaning behind “Ainslie’s Sheep”.  The unusual sculpture appears to be a ewe looking like it is ready to pounce onto the spread legged ram leaning back in a chair…

  • The Diving Knife Incident

    During my first big adventure overseas, I pretty much packed everything. I packed everything I needed, as well as everything I may ever need. Being on an extreme budget, I was booked on a Continental Airlines flight by my sister’s friend who worked for a travel company and it took the longest route possible: Sydney…